Young Adults

And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works

Hebrews 10:24

The purpose of the Young Adults ministry is  for believers to grow together in the knowledge and application of God's Word and to be equipped for every good work. During our midweek fellowships, we study the Bible in order to apply it to our lives and encourage and pray for one another. We also enjoy outdoor fellowships once a quarter.
-Ben Silva, Young Adults Ministry Lead

Mid-week Fellowships

Wednesdays 6:30

During our Midweek Fellowship, we worship, study the Bible and pray together.  This Bible study is currently on break for summer and will resume in September.

Summer Mid-week

Through the summer we gather on Wednesdays at 6:30 for a few friendly games of volleyball and some time in the Word.

Summer Volleyball Fellowship

While Mid-week fellowships are on break through the summer, we continue to meet together for time in the Word and some friendly games of Volleyball.

Outdoor Excursions

We enjoy fellowship on hikes in places like Big Trees, Yosemite, Knights Ferry, and Pinnacles. We do this at least once a quarter.